你有选择权The Choice is Yours


你有选择权The Choice is Yours
American Tract Society

「政治比物理复杂多了。」 ──爱因斯坦




也有人投另一种票──如果那也算是投票的话。他们的态度与厌恶政客的村夫村妇一致。 「我才不去投什么票,那不过助长政客的势声罢了!」但拒绝投票就像生病拒绝吃药、溺水而不屏住呼吸一样无补于事!总之,不论积极的参与或消极的排拒,你都做了一项决定。
















“Politics is far more complicated than physics.”
Albert Einstein
Politics can be complicated, especially during election years. Sorting through candidates' claims and qualifications. Listening to all the election rhetoric. Trying to distinguish between fact and fantasy.
But in spite of the political hoopla that elections generate, they provide an unmatched opportunity to choose those who make crucial decisions affecting almost every aspect of our lives. Many of life's decisions are already made for us, but the vote gives us say-so about who we want our representatives to be.
●One Way Or Another
Unfortunately, we may feel like one voter who said, “Many times I wished that I could vote 'Maybe'.” Obviously, “maybe” isn'ta choice. We have to decide on the basis of all the available information, then vote for the person we think we can trust the most.
But other people choose another way, although they may not think of it as choosing. They take the approach of the countrywoman who disliked politicians altogether. “I don't vote,” she said. “It just encourages them.” But not casting a vote is like refusing to take pills when you are sick…or not holding your breath underwater! Either way, in positive action or doing nothing, you make a choice.
●Your Greatest Decision
Voting is important, but there's another decision you will make that has much greater consequences than electing even the President.
There is someone who will eternally influence your life who is waiting to see what you will decide about Him. That person is Jesus Christ, and the decision is whether you will accept or reject Him as your Savior. Let me explain.
You can take an active role in choosing or rejecting Christ, that is, you can consider all the evidence before deciding. Many others before you have taken a hard look at themselves and have seen that they are imperfect and incapable of pleasing a good and perfect God. In fact, that's just what God's Word, the Bible says: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) The Bible also says that God sent Jesus Christ as the payment, the satisfaction , for all the imperfection and sin in our lives: “Christ Died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” (1 Peter 3:18)
Finally, you must decide whether to trust Christ as your substitute and receive eternal life as a free gift, or choose to reject Him and suffer the consequences: “Whoever believes in the Son [Christ] has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him.” (John 3:36)
Of course, you could ignore Christ or postpone any decision about His offer But in reality, you would have already made a choice to reject Him─a less obvious “decision,” but just as binding. And the consequences? The Bible declares, “ [Christ] will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord.” (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9)
●Don’t Forget to Vote!
Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself for you, died, and rose from the grave to defeat death. And you don't have to be an Einstein to understand God's simple and straightforward offer: trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of your sin and receive His free gift of eternal life.
By faith, choose Jesus Christ as your Savior--and choose Him today!



认识苦难(一三二)── 将死的痛苦解释了

2017-5-31 19:48:09



2017-5-31 19:48:23

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